Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Textual Analysis 4- Kerrang! Paramore

In the cover of "Kerrang!", the masthead already immediately gives us the connotation of the sound of an electric guitar with it's use of onomatopoeia. The masthead also show a type of typeograpghy, with the use of making the title look like a cracked sign. This could show us an iconic sign that the masthead has been "cracked" due to the sound created by the connotation noted previously. This could connotate how "powerful" the magazine is, since that their onomatopoeia is even powerful enough to crack down text. The main headliner and image is of the band "Paramore", with the main singer, "Haley Williams" in the foreground, whilst her band is surrounding her in the background. This highlights her importance and gives the audience the idea that Williams is a leader of some sorts. This is further supported by her hair, pose and difference in outfit, which are more lighter then the other band members who are all in black. The headliner also uses a grid system for the composition, by making the headline be written in the direction of Williams' head. The magazine also features a startling bright yellow colour to highlight specific areas. This could be connotation of the masthead "Kerrang" as it is a loud riff noise and that the colour yellow is a loud, outstanding colour.

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