Tuesday 2 October 2012

Textual Analysis Front Cover 3- Q Oasis


In the magazine “Q”, it showcases a band member of “Oasis” giving a proportional angled shot. The way that the camera-man shot makes the model look intimidating by making him look like a much more larger man. This is further supported by the large close up of his fist, which connotes to the act of violence. This could be related to the tagline “Noel” still pulling no punches”. The layout of the magazine has been made to overlap each other, making the cover look really busy. This could connote the idea of making the model look like he is punching out of the cover, as the various elements of the magazine cover is made surrounding the fist. Colour-wise, the palette has been made to compliment the “Q” logos own colour palette, making the cover visually appealing to the eye and easy to follow. His hair is also messy, giving the symbolic sign of the model having some rebel background due to the fact that he does not care what his hair looks like. 

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