Tuesday 13 November 2012

Improvements? PEER REVIEW TIME!

So guys, here's my cover page I'm making so far, trying to patch the image up to make myself look pretty! (and feel pretty *Desperation for attention mode on*) But I want to hear what you guys think, I want critiques people! Talk about my colour scheme or what I can do for arrangement and other stuff like that. Tell me how skinny I am, anything will be great, (I'm the asian one!).


  1. I like the way the models are looking at the camera and seem to have an attitude. I think that even though the layout seems a bit messy i think it suits the style of the magazine, the color sceme is great by the way!! :D

  2. You could edit the image, so it stands out more and doesn't blend in with the dark text? Making it brighter will help! But I really like it!

  3. First of all, really lovin the front cover! the only improvement I would say is try and make it a bit less crowded, tis all :)

  4. There's a lot going on so I think you could tone down a bit but other than that it all looks really good so far! well done :)

  5. It looks soooo good! As the other comments said it is a TAD crowded but i think if you move the title down away from Joannas face it'd be better for sure :)

  6. heyyy cinddyy it looks so good! well done :)

  7. Hey hunnyy! Absolutely love it. Very striking. Stay beautiful!
