Friday 16 November 2012

Screen Grabs of Media Fails! Episode 1

So as you all know, we're working on our front covers now. But what you don't know is that I've been taking screen grabs of my failure. Wanna see them? Sure you do.

This circle is much too dark :(

Much better and better for the colour scheme :D

Getting my logo on the internet. Megaphone, yeah! It's loud and aggressive urgghh!!!

Basic formatting, hmmm. Seems a bit messy. I also got to sort out that background. Houses aren't very rockstar. :/

This microphone is going out of contrrroool!!!

The image I was using before the new one. Trying to erase myself with only the eraser tool, I think I need to use the selection tool next time though. 

See you next time on....

Screen grabs at Media Fails!

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